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Structural Integrity Reserve Study

A Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS) is a new requirement for condominium and cooperative associations in Florida, as mandated by the state legislation SB 4-D and SB 154.


A SIRS is a comprehensive assessment and planning tool that examines the structural health of buildings, specifically targeting structures of three or more stories. The study provides a thorough evaluation of critical components, such as foundations, columns, beams, slabs, balconies, railings, roofs, and exterior walls, that affect the safety and stability of the building.


At CSW, we offer SIRS services that comply with the latest state standards and regulations. Our qualified and experienced engineers will conduct a visual inspection of your common areas and identify any signs of deterioration, damage, or defects that may compromise the structural integrity of your building. 


Based on our findings, we will provide you with a detailed report that includes the current condition, estimated useful life, and projected repair or replacement costs of each component. We will also help you develop a funding plan that ensures adequate reserves for future major repairs and replacement of the common areas. 


Our goal is to help you protect your property value, avoid costly surprises, and ensure the safety and comfort of your residents. Contact us today to schedule your SIRS and get a free quote.